Collaborative Work at Furtherwick Close Canvey Island | News

Collaborative Work at Furtherwick Close Canvey Island

Furtherwick Close witnessed a remarkable Day of Action. Officers from Estuary, PCM and Essex Police joined forces to address the issue of anti-social behaviour. During this event, our teams conducted property inspections at 20 locations, issued legal notices as needed and successfully removed fly-tipping from communal areas.

During our visit, we offered residents support and guidance on benefits and One Estuary Fund. Our officers were available for on-site information. PCM patrolled the area and issued parking tickets to prevent unauthorised parking. The Police provided advice and assistance regarding anti-social behaviour. To enhance security, officers placed police patrol signs throughout Furtherwick Close.

A highly successful event, providing crucial information to combat anti-social behaviour, address fly-tipping concerns and support our residents.

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